Saturday, February 28, 2009


I know that every person/couple has their own parenting style, but sometimes don't you just feel like you are right?

Tonight at dinner, I found out some very disturbing news about my childhood. It really is no secret that Middle School was pretty much hell for me. Having my dad's eyebrows was one of areas that all loved to tease me about. The lowest point was in 8th Grade when we had to write one nice thing about the person next to you, and the boy next to me (that I had a crush on naturally) wrote he wished he had my eyebrows. So, when he got up in front of the class and proclaimed this everybody started laughing. I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to die. I begged and pleaded for my parents to let me get my eyebrows waxed. They always said no. It wasn't until we moved to Texas, and things got even worse for me in High School. They finally gave in when I was 15.

So, tonight at dinner my dad was talking about how he needed to trim his eyebrows because they are bushy people. They are about to get their own zip code! I told him I would do it tomorrow even though they never let me do anything about my eyebrows for forever! He then told me that he thought it was his decision not to let me get my eyebrows fixed. He thought not only was I too young, but it cost money, and it was good that I was teased because it made me stronger in the end. This hurt so bad because I had such low self esteem for years because of all the teasing I went through, sometimes I still have doubts.

I guess I just don't understand that thinking. If Grey was being teased for something that could be easily fixed I would have no problem getting it fixed. I never want him to be in pain, and wouldn't be able to stand it if he came home crying everyday. It hurts me to think that all the suffering I went through for something so easily fixed had no effect on my father.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So, yesterday I was pretty bummed out. Today didn't get much better for me.

Grey is not completely heathly yet, but on his way. He is playing and eating like a horse. I guess if you don't eat much for ten days you have to make up. Today he has constantly had food in his hands. He can't have food in just one hand he has to have food in each. (I know that it is just a baby thing). He is so cute, if I do say so myself.

Ok, those bastards that broke into my truck did more than just break a window. They dented the panel between the driver's window and the passenger window, messed up the weather stripping, caused scratches in the paint, messed up the paneling inside the truck by the window, and messed up the wood paneling that holds the window controller. UGH, they did over $700.00 of damage to my truck. I have only had it for like a month. At least we have insurance and it is getting fixed on Monday.

As for me, I have to go to the doctor. I thought I could just take some NyQuil and get better. No such luck this time. My nose is stopped up, I can't stop coughing, and it is super hard to breathe. It takes such effort to breathe, which makes sleeping very hard! I guess I will have to suck it up, and go see the professionals. I hate going to the doctor :(

Hope everyone else is having a better week. My week will get better I am optimistic!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Week So Far

UGH!!! This week has been a disaster and it's only Tuesday! Let me start from the beginning.

First off, Grey has been sick for about ten days. I took him to Wilford Hall the day it started because he was running a 103.0 degree fever. Wilford Hall said nothing was wrong with him. So, I left defeated thinking I was CRAZY! Well, he started wheezing more, coughing, snotty nose, and worst of all throwing up. He wasn't eating or drinking hardly at all, and my baby loves to eat! So, I decided to switch him to BAMC. That is the best decision I have ever made. I took him to the doctor yesterday, and everyone was so nice! (This is the light at the end of the tunnel.) From the lady checking us in to the actual doctor. They were so gentle with Grey and all the staff was playing with him. I found out the he had Bronchitis. We were there for four hours getting breathing treatments, chest x-rays, and steroids. Grey took a nap in the car on the way home. By the time we got home, Grey was back to himself. He was chasing the cats, getting into the cabinets, drinking, and finally eating! He didn't go to bed until nine because he was so excited to be up and moving. We took him back today, and his chest sounds a lot better, but we still have to do breathing treatments every four hours, and steroids (for four days).

Now, the bad news. My brand new Tahoe got broken into at lunch yesterday. My dad wanted to see Grey one more time before we took him to the hospital because he wouldn't see him for like five hours (my parents are attached can you tell). So, we were in there for maybe 30 minutes and my dad even went out to the car to get Grey's sipee cup about ten minutes into lunch. I got to the truck and noticed glass was everywhere. Stupid me opened the door and glass went everywhere. I called Onstar and my mom notified the restaurant manager. A cop came quickly and made the report. They caught it on tape! So all in all, they made away with three empty Barney DVD cases and my beautiful Coach purse that retails at $400.00. I was so upset, but most of all I can't believe they found the purse. My truck was such a mess let me tell you everything that was on top of this purse. A baby blanket, three of Grey's toys, Grey's Froggy, empty plastic sacks, and an Old Navy bag containing clothes that Grey threw up on. I'm just impressed that they found the purse, but also pissed!

At least, USAA is extremely efficient and my window is fixed already. I just have to go get the rubber around the window fixed tomorrow. I will find out about getting payment for my stolen purse. If you are military and do not currently have USAA, I highly recommended it. They are so helpful and friendly!

Lastly, Grey gave me his illness. I am coughing, stopped up, headachy, and running a 102.0 degree fever. I am going to bed now, and hope that I am better by tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What do you think?

So, last night I finally put Grey's baby monitor that we purchased for our house in Killeen. I used it in Killeen, but just never got around to putting it up in San Antonio. It is a camera so I can see him, and hear him. I love the idea of knowing how he is sleeping or is he sitting up in his sleep, etc.

My dad walked in as I was running back and forth trying to position the camera just right. He laughed not only at me running back and forth, but at the fact that we owned such a fancy baby monitor. This is when I thought, "Do we as Americans, spend too much money on baby equipment?"

I know I have, especially since Grey is my first child. David and I purchased the best of everything. We bought a crib and dresser set that was very expensive, the best car seat, tons of brand name clothes, and of course the baby monitor with a camera. What is it that makes us spend so much? Is it really for safety or for looks.

For me personally, I wanted to make sure my baby had the best of everything. I love my baby so much, and just want to make sure he is as safe as possible. If anything ever happened to my son I would die. Grey is my world, and I want to do the best I can for him! As for the clothes, that is for me. When we are in public I want to people to know that I take care of my son, and put him before myself.

I would like to know your opinions, do we as Americans, spend too much on baby equipment?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Wow! I can't believe the way my life is turning out. I never thought of my mom as the Suburban house wife type. I thought after college I would get married (which I did before I graduated College), and then get a teaching job. That plan didn't quite work out since David joined the Army. I'm not all that bummed that the plan fell through. I didn't exactly enjoy student teaching.

Instead, I insisted on having a baby, and we did. He is absolutely fabulous, and I am so happy that we made that decision. Although, times get tough having a little one without David, Grey keeps my spirits up. His little smile just makes me melt (even when he wakes me up at 4 AM). But, I never thought I would get so domesticated.

If I'm not asleep by nine then I am past by bed time! When did my life turn into this. I used to drive a fuel efficient vehicle, now I drive the stereotypical soccer mom vehicle. I love my Tahoe, but as I was driving to work I realized that I turned into what I feared most, my own mother! I cook dinner every night, give Grey a bath, and watch The Bachelor! That show is for old woman, and I don't even enjoy, but that's another topic! She is a wonderful lady, as most of you know. The problem is I'm only 23! Maybe once Grey starts school I will get my spunk back.

At least I am happy with the path my life has taken, and wouldn't change it for anything.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Army Wives

I received this in my e-mail, and wanted to share it with all my other Army Wife friends. It's cheesy, but reminded me of myself :) Hope you enjoy!

Army Wives

I'm the one you walk past in Wal-Mart smelling a man's brand of
deodorant and buying the same brand of shower gel. I'm trying to
remember his smell.

I'm the one you see in the back of the church, a tear running down my
face as the congregation prays for our country and our troops. He's one
of them.

I'm the one you beep at for sitting at a green light. I was looking at
the flag blowing in the breeze at the corner gas station and thinking of
all it means to me, to him, and to our life together.

I'm the one with a trunk full of flat rate boxes and customs forms, I
know my local postal workers by name. The package I send him every pay
day makes him seem close to me.

I'm the one with a funny looking decal in the back windshield of my car,
you wonder where it came from and if it might mean something. He gave it
to me before he left, it's his MOS and we are proud.

I'm the one you walk past as I completely fall apart and lose it because
I left my cell phone at home. You might think "it's just a phone", but
it's the life line of my marriage and it was his day to call.

I'm the one you have labeled as quiet or reserved, the one who is never
really part of anything, you don't know I wear the far a-way look
because my heart boarded the plane with his.

I'm the one that hears 'tell him I say thanks, that I'm praying for him
' at least once a day, and I always tell him for you, but I can't help
but think, who prays for me as I continue to do my best to serve him.

I'm the one that nods right along as you say that you understand or that
it's better now with the internet. I know that it is, but what you don't
know is that nothing will ever replace the joy of receiving a letter or
that the webcams and instant messenger just remind me of all the million
little things about him that I love and miss.

I'm the one that is so used to saying I'm fine, to being numb, to
missing him, that I can't remember any other way to be. I wonder at
times if the 'fine' he tells me is the same 'fine' that I seem to be
these days.

I'm the one that hates Friday and Saturday nights as I sit alone at
home. I'm in a new town and don't know anyone to hang out with. The
weekends remind me my best friend isn't here to show me around and make
the best of a new place together.

I'm the one that eats more frozen dinners now because I don't want to
cook for just myself. The one who six months ago couldn't picture myself
eating out alone; but have since taken it to an art-form, no longer even
needing a book or headphones to displace the emptiness of a nice

I'm the one that is as strong and patriotic as the hero I married, not
because I stand on the frontlines but because I stay behind stoking the
home-fires for months on end with a quiet resolve not unlike the one
that personifies him.

I'm the one that tells an ACU teddy bear or the moon goodnight that I
love you, because it makes me feel less lonely and because I hope he
somehow hears or feels it.

I'm the one that turns the porch light on at sunset to light his way
back home, to me, to our life together, to the love and the good times
we once shared.

I'm the wife of an American Soldier; I'm the hope that lives within him
after storm clouded days. The freedom from war that gives wings to his
heart, may they reach across the miles and bind our hearts together
against all that we must face in this world.

Note from Bob - for three deployments now I have marveled at the
strength of our Army wives and how they stand up to the hardships and
challenges they endure and handle. I wish more Americans understood and
appreciated the price you pay for their freedoms. I salute you all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Long Day

Today has been such a long day for me! I just felt like it was never going to end. First off, Grey still has an ear infection despite the two shots, and was up from 3:00 to 4:30 am. He finally got back to sleep, and it seemed like it was time for Church. We got ready for Mass, and that lasted an hour and a half. As most people know, us Catholics like our Mass to be an hour or under.

My poor baby was so tired, but would not take a nap! He was so tired that he couldn't even crawl or pull up. I tried giving him a bottle, but he just drank it without going to sleep. I guess that bottle had a bit of Red Bull in it because he went wild! He was crawling around the house like a madman. Pulling up on everything, unscrewing knobs off the cabinets, and trying to get in the bathtub. I needed a nap, but my little man just wouldn't give up.

So, I decided to run to the mall since he was wide awake anyway. I had a coupon for Express, and I just don't think any coupon should go to waste! So, I went and got myself a new pair of jeans (since all mine are too big for me), and some cute spring tops. Deborah and I will be taking over the FRG in April, so I need some nice clothes to go to meetings. It was a bit of a splurge, but I felt like I deserved it. Ever since I got pregnant with Grey I put him first. That is what a mom is supposed to do, and I'm not complaining in any sort of way. It just feels so much more special when I treat myself now compared to before.

My little man means so much to me, and I wouldn't trade him for the world! Tomorrow we are going to have to go back to Wilford Hall and Grey will get two more shots. I just hope that this will do the trick, and I won't have to take him back a third time. So, everybody cross your fingers for us!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Back at Work

So, today instead of sleeping in with Grey (7:00AM) this morning; I had to get up and get ready for work. I was not looking forward to this day by any means. Who really would though? I just had an entire month off! I got spoiled by not having to wake up before Grey did.

Although, I do think working will help me get back into a routine. It will help the time pass by a lot quicker. Instead of working 5 days a week I am now just going to work three days a week. My baby misses me while I am at work, and you know what I miss him!

These days Grey has gotten braver in quest to walk. He is still trying to stand right in the middle of the floor. This weekend he fell on his face twice, and backwards three times. He has my stubborn spirit though, and won't give up until he gets what he wants! Last night, he had so much fun being the center of attention at Amanda's little Super Bowl Party. He was crawling around the living room trying to decide who's lap he would sit on next. He is such a ham like his dad. He loves to be the center of attention, and have people adore him. All his little antics make me laugh. My little man is such a special person. I am so lucky to have him in my life!