UGH!!! This week has been a disaster and it's only Tuesday! Let me start from the beginning.
First off, Grey has been sick for about ten days. I took him to Wilford Hall the day it started because he was running a 103.0 degree fever. Wilford Hall said nothing was wrong with him. So, I left defeated thinking I was CRAZY! Well, he started wheezing more, coughing, snotty nose, and worst of all throwing up. He wasn't eating or drinking hardly at all, and my baby loves to eat! So, I decided to switch him to BAMC. That is the best decision I have ever made. I took him to the doctor yesterday, and everyone was so nice! (This is the light at the end of the tunnel.) From the lady checking us in to the actual doctor. They were so gentle with Grey and all the staff was playing with him. I found out the he had Bronchitis. We were there for four hours getting breathing treatments, chest x-rays, and steroids. Grey took a nap in the car on the way home. By the time we got home, Grey was back to himself. He was chasing the cats, getting into the cabinets, drinking, and finally eating! He didn't go to bed until nine because he was so excited to be up and moving. We took him back today, and his chest sounds a lot better, but we still have to do breathing treatments every four hours, and steroids (for four days).
Now, the bad news. My brand new Tahoe got broken into at lunch yesterday. My dad wanted to see Grey one more time before we took him to the hospital because he wouldn't see him for like five hours (my parents are attached can you tell). So, we were in there for maybe 30 minutes and my dad even went out to the car to get Grey's sipee cup about ten minutes into lunch. I got to the truck and noticed glass was everywhere. Stupid me opened the door and glass went everywhere. I called Onstar and my mom notified the restaurant manager. A cop came quickly and made the report. They caught it on tape! So all in all, they made away with three empty Barney DVD cases and my beautiful Coach purse that retails at $400.00. I was so upset, but most of all I can't believe they found the purse. My truck was such a mess let me tell you everything that was on top of this purse. A baby blanket, three of Grey's toys, Grey's Froggy, empty plastic sacks, and an Old Navy bag containing clothes that Grey threw up on. I'm just impressed that they found the purse, but also pissed!
At least, USAA is extremely efficient and my window is fixed already. I just have to go get the rubber around the window fixed tomorrow. I will find out about getting payment for my stolen purse. If you are military and do not currently have USAA, I highly recommended it. They are so helpful and friendly!
Lastly, Grey gave me his illness. I am coughing, stopped up, headachy, and running a 102.0 degree fever. I am going to bed now, and hope that I am better by tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
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